September 1, 2022
Innovation, Lead Generation, Consumer Satisfaction and Company Culture are the main four areas that always need to be vivid in order for a company to thrive. As a business, you can never loose focus on any of these aspects since it will impact your next quarter results. These major pieces co-exist with each other and are highly dependable on each other; when one of these areas thrives it generates momentum for the others to grow. Let’s take a moment to review each of them: INNOVATION – Your product or service came about through an idea or a need that generated enthusiasm at different levels. This propelled the idea to the concrete, marketable solution that exists today. However, without continuing to innovate your current product or service will, in time, no longer respond to the market needs. LEAD GENERATION – I always hear from companies saying "We don’t need more leads or customers. We are happy with the customers we have and we will continue to serve them." This sounds pretty much like the widely used concept of ‘quiet quitting’ that’s circling around at the moment. The same as employees decide to only do the bare minimum to keep their job, companies decide to stay in the comfortable position they reached and continue to float in the fake feeling of security they created for themselves. Staying in the current state and counting on your customers to continue to be your customers is not a strategy because everything is replaceable, a cheaper product, a better service, a new or more innovative company will come about and you will not only lose your customer but you will also look at an empty pipeline. Lead generation takes time and effort and it feeds of your innovation, company culture and consumer satisfaction. Lead Generation not only includes your prospects but it also includes the potential customers that said ‘no’ at one point. They must not be forgotten as we can always go back to the 'no leads' when something new and exciting happens in the company. Keep your pipeline updated with changes and wins in the other areas of the organization! COMPANY CULTURE – Company culture is the area that attracts the right employees, customers and partners; it is also the area that helps maintain the employees satisfied, engaged and productive. Company culture and products dictate who should be in the lead generation pipeline. Company Culture is a bit different than the other aspects discussed here because it's not necessary something tangible; it is more about the image we create, the culture we cultivate, the feeling we leave behind after an interaction or the perception the consumers get when seeing or using the product/service. CONSUMER SATISFACTION – is what keeps selling the products and services and contributes to widening the lead generation funnel. Wins in these four areas create momentum for each other and opportunities for growth. When we lose focus on one of these aspects we can quickly miss opportunities and see a decline in employee and consumer satisfaction. Even when you reach a position or status you are comfortable with you need to continue to invest in innovation, cultivate company culture, improve consumer satisfaction and continue to generate leads to stay on a growth path.